We would like to introduce you to a new member of our Crossing Cultures International team, Bob and Becky Loeffler. For 25 years, Bob has been a chaplain in jails and recently in medical facilities. He has also been teaching at Trinity College of Florida, substituting in local schools, and also teaching classes with CCI around Tampa Bay. He has also trained pastors in several countries in Central and South America. Recently, Bob expressed a desire to focus his attention on training and equipping pastors and church leaders in the USA and East Africa. He has gone to Uganda with CCI. He has been developing a couple of national leaders to help equip many pastors who have had very little or no formal training in the Word of God or practical ministry. Most pastors in East African countries do not have access to Bible colleges or seminaries. Thus, they are open to teaching false doctrines and leading their congregations into heresy. This is where Bob will be God’s instrument to help them learn to rightly divide the Word of God.