I would like to introduce to you my team member, Pastor Biswas from western Bangladesh. Like me, Pastor Biswas's ministry to make disciples of Jesus is full-time. He is dedicated to equip pastors, church leaders and church members through the CCI ministry. He also, works hard to plant new churches and share the Gospel.
Continue reading below to learn more about Pastor Biswas and to view a few pictures of my current classes. Pastor Sam
I’m Pastor Biswas from a district located in mid-western Bangladesh, which is a part of the India Subcontinent. I am a CCI Certified Trainer, which means I help start CCI classes and teach the CCI curriculum. I am married to my beautiful wife for 22 years and in that time, God has blessed us with three children.
My life verse is “But I consider my life of no value to myself; my purpose is to finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God’s grace.” Acts 20:24 (CSB)