The Lord continues to bless the work in Central America. Our team really senses that God has very special plans for His work in Honduras. Pastor Otto Echeveria, the Guatemalan National Coordinator, and Andrés Hernandez were in El Progresso from September 15-23 to teach Book #3, New Testament Survey. This class now has 20 students, and we have already pinpointed several men in the class who can start teaching soon. Pastor Hamid Gutiérrez, Regional Coordinator for Guatemala, will be there in November to teach Book #4, and I will be there in February 2025 to teach Book #5.
In Guatemala, we have had another new class start this month, in addition to the several others that have begun since June. Hamid also held a Pastor Orientation this month in La Tinta in northern Guatemala. We are praying that this will produce new work in that area. Several pastors in the area are interested in becoming teachers and starting classes, but they are waiting for approval from their denominational leadership to give them permission to proceed. Read More
