When I was in Uganda in 2019, a young pastor shared with me, “While the gospel is widespread in Africa, it is very shallow.” I reflected on Matthew 28:19-20, where Jesus told His disciples, “Go and make disciples of all nations... teaching them to observe all I have commanded you.” I realized that where we have failed is in the last phrase. To make disciples and leaders, we need to train them in the Word of God and equip them for the work of ministry (Eph 4:11-14).

Since taking responsibility for expanding the training of Crossing Cultures International in East Africa last May, we have been busy. We first added Pastor Andrew Wakabi (left) and Pastor Abraham Koche (right) as CCI Staff to help us get started. Andrew is my assistant Regional Director and Abraham is responsible for Eastern Uganda. On August 2, 2022, Andrew and I went to Fort Portal in Western Uganda. We did what we called a vision casting event on Training Leaders in the Local Church. Then we shared the vision of CCI and did a Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) with 2 pastors, one of whom was Andrew’s assistant in Jinja. Then I traveled to Pallisa in Eastern Uganda. Abraham and I did 2 vision casting events and did a TTW with 6 pastors. Abraham and I also taught book #1 in a small village. We then had a graduation for the first time in Africa. We met at the River of God Church in Pallisa, and gave certificates to 13 pastors and leaders. Of the 13, 7 are now serving as pastors. Read More.