Pastor Ket is emblematic of the #1 Problem of the Global Church that CCI is Solving AND at a Low Cost
“Today, God has answered me, bringing the Bible School to my church.” Thanks to YOUR partnership with Crossing Cultures International (CCI), this quote from a Cambodian pastor illustrates the beauty of a transformed leader, like a butterfly fluttering on a warm spring day, just after emerging as a chrysalis from its cocoon. Ket Sovanda, quoted above, is a pastor from Cambodia. Although he is called a pastor, he has never had the opportunity to be formally trained in a Bible school or seminary. Now he is a CCI student. He testified that “I’m so excited and happy that God has given me the opportunity to study His Word. I have been planning for a long time to go to the Bible school in Phnom Penh. But because of the responsibilities in the church, it was too difficult for me to do so.”
His desire and motivation to pastor are to see disciples grow and be multiplied. “God has called me to be a disciple and to make disciples, but I do not have much Bible knowledge," Ket stated recently. “I know I need Bible study. I need accurate knowledge of the Bible to make my ministry more effective. For many years I wanted to study the Bible in-depth…. By taking CCI training courses, I wish I could use it for God's glory by training others to become like me and multiply God's servants in Cambodia and Laos (quoting Romans 10:14).”
