All praise I give to God, He deserves it all. I am grateful for what God accomplished in March 2023. We had two new classes start and a Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) to equip two teachers, who have started CCI classes. There was also the first fruit of CCI Indonesia under my leadership as Director of CCI Indonesia; the Matana class completed all 10 books and will graduate this fall. Everything happened only because of God's grace.

I praise God that on March 31 the class in Matana, Mamasa, West Sulawesi, finished studying all 10 books. The class consisted of 4 students. The plan is for their graduation ceremony to take place in November after the CCI Global Conference in Thailand. The graduation will be conducted by Dr. David Nelson, the Founder and President of CCI. There are also, two other classes who plan to complete their studies this year, so the graduation in November will be for three CCI classes. I am thankful because this is the first graduation under my leadership era as Director of CCI Indonesia. Read More.