God is still working even though we cannot see it with our physical eyes. Starting 2023 with a target that must be achieved, it has become a struggle for me; a burden and responsibility as a director. To develop the CCI Ministry in Indonesia has become a struggle, but it is also motivation for me. Praise God that in January, I was able to visit the Gorontalo class to guide and teach the class in entering book 2 of the Old Testament Survey. I am also grateful that in Gorontalo, I was able to conduct a Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) for 3 prospective teachers. Pray that in the near future, three new classes can be started in that area. We also had time to talk about holding a seminar on God's Financial Principles in the future. God is working so that the class in Gorontalo can continue to book 2 and equip three prospective teachers who can help equip believers in Gorontalo to use teaching materials owned by CCI.
