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Indonesia: Standing Strong Through Life's Challenges

Writer's picture: CCI Admin.CCI Admin.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” 

Joshua 1:9

I am grateful for what God has done for my family in terms of recovering my wife's health. My wife finally underwent chemotherapy, and this has had more of an impact than the two operations she had previously undergone. One week after chemo, my wife experienced a very weak body and often vomited, so she could not carry out family activities. In the second week, my wife's hair started to fall out. Please pray for support so that Renny can go through the chemo process six more times until September. Also, please pray that I will be able to fulfill all my CCI duties while she's undergoing chemo. I have to spend extra time caring for my family because my wife is limited in doing family activities.

I am teaching the Makassar Pelita Kasih class Book 5, which is about Bible Doctrine. When this class learned about the doctrine of sin, the participants increasingly evaluated themselves because not praying for others is a sin, and knowing what is good and not doing it is a sin. Read More.



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