Plans and time belong to God! Last year before the second lock-down of the country due to pandemic of Covid19, we planned to host a conference with church leaders from 42 churches in the remote and persecuted area. After we tried to get the churches to agree to the conference, we set a time, but the country was on lock-down and we were not allowed to do any activities. We postponed until the country re-opened. Months later, it seemed we would have a chance to meet again because the rule said that we can do religious activities but not more than fifty people, to keep a distance of 2 meters and everyone must wear a mask. We called all of the leaders who first registered with us, and set a new time to hold the meeting again. But only few days before we would meet, a new rule was issued, no religious activities allowed. People were not allowed to travel to other provinces either. We cancelled the meeting again. Our plan was still set with no way to occur, but we were not hopeless. Until April 2022, the country had finally allowed us to hold the meeting, so we set the date and time and called all the church leaders again. But many were unhappy and could not meet. They said that because of Covid19, they all have financial problems and they were not ready to join us.
