Our God is so good upon the family members of CCI-Myanmar. This month I could contact all area leaders through phone. Praise the Lord, they all are doing well in their own residence.
The variety of challenges in life have been frightening the Kingdom ministry in our land. The church is required to be strong in the Word and move forward in making effective laborers for the harvest who can handle the Word of God correctly. For this reason, we the leaders constantly ask the Lord to open doors for us to meet Christian leaders so that we hold hands together in the great commission.
I could continue three virtual training classes at different times weekly. We learned God’s Financial Principles, Personal Spiritual Life, and How to Interpret the Bible. Over 25 participants learn God’s Word regularly. All were so blessed by these courses. They passed their learning experiences onto other friends, so the CCI ministry became known. Though we are in a very critical period, we still have a very positive outlook toward the future of Myanmar. We pray to see more training classes emerge when the political situation calms down.