With teamwork and prayer, the victory belongs to God. He fights our battles for us. We praise God for allowing us to share this journey with you, even from the other side of the world. We know you are spending time praying and working together with CCI. You work as if you are part of our team.

We praise God that our work is directed toward glorifying and expanding His Kingdom.
CCI Thai Coordinators Training Meeting
Every time we meet, we share our blessings and evaluate our progress and contributions. Praise God that we see that what we are doing is having an impact on so many people. Students who receive training from CCI grow and have a strong spiritual state. They have developed as followers, and many have shown they can be good leaders, applying biblical principles correctly. They contribute to preaching and pioneering the expansion of new churches. It is all a result of your continuous prayers and support for us. We all join together to say thank you very much. May God bless all those who support the mission in Thailand.