CCI Thailand and Akha Baptist Institute held a ceremony to present certificates to those who completed the training. A total of 27 Akha Pastors and Leaders from Thailand, Burma, and Laos attended the ceremony. These individuals are missionaries and evangelists. The northern area of Thailand, which is the contact zone between Burma and Laos, also known as the Golden Triangle, is home to many tribes living in high-altitude areas, forests, and mountains. We praise God that this institution is committed to building up God's workers. Some people have been serving God for more than 10 years but have never received effective training before.
These individuals have proven their perseverance, striving to apply biblical principles to enhance their effectiveness in serving God. They also recognize that God's calling is crucial and that they cannot stop serving. Their greatest challenge now is to return to their local communities and develop and grow their Christian lives, so they can continue to be a fruitful blessing to those they serve.
CCI rejoices in helping to strengthen local churches through the Lord's faithful workers for the kingdom of God, and extends its mission to the ends of the earth. Read More.