Training Events in the USA
Scroll down to pay your registration fee for an upcoming event!
Teacher Training Workshop
The TTW is a two-day training event focused on training pastors and church leaders who would take what they have learned and go teach it to others in their local and global context. CCI uses the comprehensive training materials of the Bible Training Centre for Pastors’ (BTCP) curriculum as a foundation. The 10 courses include 520 “in class” hours and another 200 hours “out of class” doing assignments and reading through the Bible. We also provide training on God’s Financial Principles, teaching how to be a good steward of the resources God has entrusted to you. We provide training for sermon preparation through the Seminar on Advanced Expository Preaching, helping you understand the text in the context of the time and culture it was written and then, how to make relevant application for today. Periodic ongoing training events are available.
​Prerequisites: Completed theological training in a formal or non-formal standing, practical ministry experience, and pastoral recommendation.
To schedule a TTW, click HERE.
seminar on Advanced Expository preaching
We provide training for sermon preparation through the Seminar on Advanced Expository Preaching (SAEP), helping you understand the text in the context of the time and culture it was written and then, how to make relevant application for today.
To schedule an SAEP or other seminar, click HERE.
Outside of the USA, we also provide training on God’s Financial Principles (GFP), teaching how to be a good steward of the resources God has entrusted to us.
To schedule an GFP, click HERE.
We currently do not have any training events.