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From the Ministry Development Facilitator

Writer's picture: CCI Admin.CCI Admin.

Reflections from the CCI Global Conference

So here I am, writing this in December with time to reflect on all that has happened in the past month. God opened a door for my wife, Hailey, in the middle of her last semester of nursing school to attend the Crossing Cultures International Global Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Because of your incredible support, prayerfully and financially, we were able to make this trip a reality.

After over 21 hours of flight time, we arrived in Chiang Mai a couple days early and were able to explore the area a little bit. We went up the mountain into a Hmong village with a few shops and stores. At the top, we could see a beautiful waterfall and glory in God's creation. The next thing we did was visit a prominent Buddhist temple in the area. It was an incredible thing to see. A tower of pure gold. You could feel reverence from the people that were there. I could not help but be saddened because these people are clouded by darkness. That kind of reverence should be directed towards Christ Jesus. We stepped into a private meditation room next to the temple one moment. You were required to kneel out of respect of the space. After 5 seconds, I had to leave. Only Jesus deserves to be kneeled to. I can't help but think that every knee shall bow when Jesus returns again. Read More.



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