How many of us can say, “God is still working on me?” Because we know that the statement is true, we can allow God to conform us to His image. In leadership, there is reason to improve as individuals; there are processes to be refined and the vision to be re-cast. I find that the bigger the organization, the more frequent the mission and vision should be laid before the people.
I am spending this time with my family. I am reaffirming them in who we are and the special things that God wants to do with us. You all know that we are following God’s lead to live abroad and serve Him. We have made the move and are settling in well. Needless to say, improvements are on the honey-do-list.
Also, with staff and team members, improvements are necessary. We give evaluations, but the same ones we evaluate do not usually evaluate us. I’m in the process of evaluating those under my leadership. And guess what, I want them to evaluate me, too. Regarding relationships: improvements are very similar to routine maintenance. 1 Thessalonians 3:12 comes to mind. “And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another and toward all, even as we do toward you.” Read More.
